Monday, November 24, 2008

Bowen 3 months, 3 weeks & 3 days old!

Bowen is starting to hold his bottle.
I have mixed feelings about this.... It is nice when you don't have to do
everything for him but it makes me sad that he is growing up so fast. Since
he is our GRAND FINALE i really wouldn't mind him staying small longer!

Check out that double chin! I really don't think the weight thing is a issue anymore. I take him to the Dr. next Monday so we'll keep our finger crossed that he can go off the meds. Today was the first time Bo fit into his shoes. Camo of course!!


Anonymous said...

He has geown up so much! What a doll he totally looks like Mason you're kids have grown up so much I miss u come see me.

Elyse Miller said...

Hey Tiffani,its Elyse from the Salon. I found your blog from Natalies. Hope thats ok. You have a way cute family.