Thursday, June 11, 2009

* Zihuatanejo Mexico *

Tasted a little fishy! had a ton of fun swimming with the dolphins!
This is the superman pose. I am riding on the dolphins mouths :)
Grandma Janna, Holden, Jackson & Tiff
Jack doing the superman. check out his toes. Holing on for dear life......
Happy birthday mom!
Mom was getting attacked by the Ostridge. Sooooo Funny they kept pecking her.
Walking the line of death........
ready to ZIP
Checking out the games down town
Down town Zihwat beach
Boggie boarding in back yard
Dad, Jack, Me and Bo
Mom with her shrimp. She couldn't eat them since the eyes were burned and legs still attached.
This is how we do laundry at the house. Don't worry she did 2 cycles. One of soap and one of Downy. HaHa

I loved Mexico but I could never live there. Pretty
sad some of the things that I saw. Lots of
beautiful beaches. Hope to make it
down again soon, this time with
my family.


The Brown's said...

I was so hoping for an update it looks like you had so much fun!!! I LOVED the dolphin pictures! You guys did great:O) Looks like you all had some serious time sun worshiping! I am so jealous:O) cant wait to talk to your mom ! I miss her:O(

Cristina said...

The pics with the dolphins are so cool! Looks like a very pretty place. Glad you had fun.

ZihuaRob said...

While I'm certainly glad you all had a good time in our town, it breaks my heart to see folks promote the "swim with enslaved dolphins" business. This type of business goes against the values of most locals here in Zihuatanejo, but of course we can't always control who decides to open what kind of business here. Unfortunately enslaving dolphins for profit is still legal.

For more info on this topic please visit:

"Extreme Cruelty to Dolphins" by Iván Restrepo
Swim with the Dolphins Programs

Next time you're here, please simply charter a boat and go out a little ways and it's very likely you'll see local dolphins in their natural habitat. They will come right up to the boat. Let's not abuse their natural trust in humans. ;~)